There are many ways to describe our alliance, so we thought you might be interested in a poetic and whimsical way that several members used to describe us recently. Read this with a lighthearted, rhythmic, rap beat!
We'd love to hear from you your impressions as to which of these items really made an impact on you, or perhaps you have thought of some that we have missed.
Just give us a buzz. We would love to hear from you at engagement at blindcanadians dot ca
A = Advocacy: Standing up for yourself and for others in the blind, deafblind and partially sighted community across Canada.
B = Blind people’s journeys to equality.
C = Chapters: Join one of several located across the country. C also = Committees: Committees work on relevant projects.
D = Dialogue with peers across the country, and D also equals Debates that may change your mind.
E = Equality practised every day.
F = Friendships created during meetings.
G = Government: top of mind for our mandate.
H = Human rights as our moral compass.
I = Information sharing galore.
J = Justice: a goal to reach for every day.
K = Knowledge is our starting point.
L = Leadership encouraged: leadership training opportunities are available.
M = Members mash-up: an opportunity for members to express ideas/concerns at the end of each board meeting.
N = National non-profit organization, which is what AEBC is.
O = Opportunities: to make new friends, to learn to advocate and so much more.
P = Peer support.
Q = Quality of life enhanced through peer support and advocacy initiatives.
R = Rights which is what we’re all about.
S = Scholarships. AEBC provides several annual scholarships to post-secondary Canadian students who are blind, Deafblind or partially sighted.
T = town halls, which are get-togethers and information hubs to discuss topics of mutual interest.
U = Unique members joining to achieve equal rights.
V = Volunteers who make our organization tick.
W = Willingness to fight the good fight.
X = X-ray insight when tackling problems, which is always helpful.
Y = Youth who are always encouraged to bring their fresh perspectives.
Z = Zeal which increases with every get-together.