British Columbia Affiliate
Chapter President: Chantal Oakes
An AEBC BC Affiliate was incorporated over 10 years ago with multiple local Chapters throughout British Columbia. As a provincial entity, our goal was to advocate for the removal of attitudinal and physical barriers in areas including but not limited to: employment, transportation, library services, public safety and much more. Over the years as some chapters became inactive, those remaining decided to consolidate efforts by steering all activities through the BC Affiliate. This resulted in a more cohesive approach to a well-balanced volunteer pool of members who continue to generously dedicate their time to advocacy and program delivery on behalf of persons who are blind, deafblind and partially sighted in British Columbia.
In 2023, the BC Affiliate received a project grant from Disability Alliance BC (funded by the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction) to develop a Personal Response to Emergency Preparedness Project. The goal of the project was to enable British Columbians who are blind, deafblind and partially sighted to be better prepared to cope with the number of emergencies we face in our province. We wanted to empower people with the knowledge and confidence to stay safe in the event of an emergency whether at home, in a vehicle, or in a workplace. VISIT OUR BC EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PAGE FOR DOWNLOADS AND RESOURCES.
A regular Thursday evening chat room is attended by several of our members who come together virtually to share information, connect with friends, to stay in touch with the latest tech news or be in the know about special events happening in their area.
In addition, we hold regular meetings, plan in-person social events when possible, and raise funds to support scholarship awards and other worthwhile projects as identified by the membership.
From many parts of the Province, approximately 50 members are committed to advocating for the rights and responsibilities of individuals who are blind, deafblind and partially sighted with the goal of identifying and removing barriers which often discourage many of us from taking our rightful place in society. The Affiliate is proud to uphold the principles, activities and operations of the Alliance for Equality of Blind Canadians.
If you would like to learn more and get involved with the BC Affiliate, please reach out to Chantal Oakes through our Contact page or join as a Member! All BC residents are automatically included in the BC Affiliate roster.
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