Hello members:
Almost ten months have come and gone since our last Annual General Meeting and I would like to express my gratitude to all of you who have participated in events and activities throughout the year to support the BC Affiliate. An earlier date in September was chosen for this AGM to accommodate eventually moving the meeting to May or June as in the past. It was brought to our attention this would work out better if we plan to resume meeting in person.
Many efforts continue to be made to remove or prevent barriers towards making British Columbia a more accessible/inclusive Province, and we should be proud of our accomplishments. To those of you who serve on committees outside of AEBC, we recognize that the work you do on behalf of persons who are blind, partially sighted and deafblind is extremely valuable. To the executive board, I offer my sincere thanks as you take an interest in the work we do and for your willingness to serve as an executive member. I appreciate your assistance with the workload in times of need. My report highlights some of the events which have taken place during the past few months. However, this is not an exhaustive list of items we may have consulted on for the benefit of the members of the organization.
Following our last meeting, the Personal Response to Emergency Preparedness Project (PREP) was nearly completed and the committee submitted the final report to Disability Alliance BC (DABC) in early February 2024. Although there was no official feedback offered from DABC, we believe from positive comments received the project was a success. Since then, I have made three presentations on behalf of the BC Affiliate to CCB and CNIB groups to offer general information on the project and its objectives. In October, I will be offering another presentation at the request of National Office to AEBC members who are interested in learning more about emergency preparedness. Stay tuned for further information.
Our 4th annual trivia event was a great success; we raised over $1200 for the scholarship program and we want to recognize the Vancouver Renfrew Lions Club for their most generous financial contribution and for their participation in our fundraising event. This year’s award will be presented in memory of Tom Teranishi and with thanks to the Lions and a donation of $5000, we will be able to offer this scholarship in memory of Tom for the next five years. It should be noted that in collaboration with National Office, the BC Affiliate also contributed funds for a scholarship in memory of Paul and Cheryl Thiele. While our ability to assist post-secondary students to pursue their education is a positive achievement, the awards given are a sad reminder of the loss of three members who gave much of their time and expertise to the organization. “They are truly missed.”
If you missed the trivia fundraiser this year, stay tuned for information on the next event as planning is under way. We are extremely grateful for the Lions’ assistance with funds to defray the cost of planning the trivia afternoon, as well as for their participation as team leaders.
In April, three of us attended the ViewPoint Conference in Vancouver, hosted by Fighting Blindness Canada. (FBC) We were there as an exhibitor to share information about AEBC and to learn more about FBC’s research as we listened to a few presentations. We had the opportunity to make contact with several persons who had no knowledge of AEBC and since This was the first time in a long while we were able to appear publicly, we provided awareness of the organization by handing out brochures, business cards and displaying a QR Code linked to our website for more information. I found it gratifying to be able to have a conversation with folks who stopped by our table; working virtually is satisfactory but it will never replace that human connection.
The BC Affiliate continues to advocate for safer solutions with regards to mid-block bus stops; it is an ongoing battle which may not end with favorable results but it sure won’t be for the lack of trying on our part. More information will be made available as we have it.
An accessible British Columbia: Thank you to those who participated in the public consultations regarding the two Service Delivery and Employment draft Standards released by the Accessibility Directorate back in June. We collaborated with CCB to host two consultations to review the standards and we have made submissions on behalf of our organizations which included all the comments heard during the sessions and those received by email. Assuming there will be more standards to review in the future, it is important that we take an active part in giving our input before the standards become regulations.
Back in the fall, several of our members commented on the standards of the Canada Disability Benefit; thanks to Linda Bartram for facilitating that session. As the regulations have recently been released for our review, Linda has consented to go through the document inviting BC Affiliate members to give input on what they have proposed. Again, it is crucial for us to stay involved to ensure imperative areas of the regulations such as the process of applying for the benefit are accessible. Your participation is appreciated as we are stronger with more voices.
Enough about the work, let’s talk about the fun some of us have during the year. There are a few occasions when birthdays are celebrated by many of us meeting at a favorite restaurant with friends who may or may not be members and this is a good way to keep in touch. Some of our members often participate when other organizations have fundraising events and this is also fun as we can enjoy a meal, partake in the activities and have a great time visiting with friends.
We have also revisited the “Guess who’s coming to dinner fundraiser?” This happens when a host invites guests for a meal, (brunch, lunch or dinner) and each guest pays to attend. The price is decided by the host and the menu is revealed to entice you even more. This will raise a few dollars for the Affiliate while everyone has fun at the same time. I would like to add a new component to the activity: I will offer to do some Christmas baking for those who are interested. I’ll work out the details and let you know how we will proceed.
Thursday evening chats are still going strong; on the first Thursday of the month, we find a specific topic of conversation to encourage more participation. We are always interested in your ideas for these discussions.
Thanks to Ryan Fleury for his interest in organizing a virtual relaxing atmosphere when we are able to gather once a month to enjoy music provided by very talented people. If you have not yet attended one of the music events, be sure to note the information which can be found in the Monday morsels or in the Equalizer issues. I personally quite enjoy logging into a Zoom room on that Sunday to listen to the program rather than coming prepared to think, preside over a meeting or present to a group of people. There is no cost, and we welcome all AEBC members to join in the fun. I have it on good authority that special things are planned for December weeks leading to Christmas. Watch for the announcements and set time aside so you don’t miss anything!
Lastly, I can only say we are aware there are other issues which likely need our attention with respect to accessibility however, we can only do what we have the power to achieve, and we can take on more if we have appropriate resources. I am mindful that several of our members also serve on national committees, and this takes up much of your time. So again, a big thank you from me and I’ll see you at the AGM on September 7, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. Pacific time.
Respectfully submitted,
Chantal Oakes
President, BC Affiliate
FEATURED IMAGE ALT TEXT: photo of Stanley Park