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AEBC Toronto Presents: Family Fun Day Winter Trivia

Are you ready for a blast of laughter and brain-teasing challenges? Join us for AEBC Toronto's Winter Fest fundraiser event in honour of the John Rae Memorial Scholarship Fund!

This is a virtual blast filled with surprises and brain-teasing challenges where the whole gang can enjoy a fun-filled time with us! Get ready to test your knowledge and have a blast with your friends and loved ones. This trivia extravaganza is perfect for all ages, so gather your family members and prepare for an afternoon filled with laughter and friendly competition. Our trivia questions cover a wide range of topics, from pop culture and sports to history and science. So, whether you're a movie buff, a sports fanatic, or a history enthusiast, there's something for everyone!

Think you know it all? Well, it's time to put your knowledge to the test and see who comes out on top. Not only will you have a chance to showcase your trivia skills, but there are also exciting prizes up for grabs! You can join one of our teams or form teams with your family members - it's up to you! Remember, the more, the merrier!


AEBC Toronto “Winter Fest” Family Fun Day Trivia

  • When: Monday February 19, 2024, from 1-3:30 PM EDT.

  • Zoom room opens at 12:30 PM.

  • Cost: $20, but any amount is appreciated

  • All ticket purchases will be closed on February 17.

  • Registration: To register, send an email to Lynda Spinney at: or by calling 416-456-7117

**Early bird? Register by January 30 at midnight for a chance to win a bonus prize!


Proceeds raised from this event will be directed towards a John Rae Memorial Scholarship Fund that AEBC Toronto is sponsoring for the 2024-2025 academic year where we will award a $1,000 scholarship to a Post-Secondary Student. This award will be presented in memory of Mr. John Rae, a member of AEBC whose unwavering support of this organization has been recognized for many years. John was a true advocate, someone who firmly believed in our ability to positively make changes to improve the lives of blind Canadians.

IMAGE ALT TEXT: photo of smiling and laughing man wearing blue headphones

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