On Tuesdays, for the month of February we are providing 4 training sessions discovering efficient ways to navigate documents by headings, links, and other elements they may contain using various types of assistive technology.
The first session begins February 4th at noon Pacific, 3:00 PM Eastern, focusing on VoiceOver users with iPhones/iDevices.
The sample document we will use is of course our member newsletter, Monday Morsels so keep the email handy, if you are planning to attend.
Preregistration is not required. Everyone is welcome to attend, but the training is designed to teach very beginner basic skills.Â
The second session on February 11th, is an opportunity for those who participate in today's session or those who may have accessed the recording of the session, to return with challenges, successes, or questions you may have after having practiced the tasks from the first session.Â
Weeks 3-4, February 18th and 25th, will follow the same format, but the training is designed for those who use a PC computer with NVDA or JAWS.Â
Join Zoom Meeting:https://blindcanadians-ca.zoom.us/j/91097381709?pwd=d0wzTnhRbithdkx6WDl2UHhteHI5dz09
Meeting ID: 910 9738 1709Passcode: 849273
One tap mobile:Â +16473744685,,91097381709#Â
In preparation, you might wish to check out our YouTube training session on using the VoiceOver Rotor at:
All sessions will be recorded and placed on our YouTube channel for visiting at your leisure. See below for replays.
FEATURED IMAGE ALT TEXT: picture of a computer laptop